About Write the World notebooks

About Write the World notebooks

Write the World notebooks is the 'love project’ of our family.

By buying a Write the World notebook, you are helping tackle global poverty - it's an easy way to make the world just a little bit better. Write the World notebooks can be purchased online from 242 countries. The purchase of just one Write the World notebook for only A$10 has the potential to:

  • help protect six people living in malaria stricken areas from infected mosquitos for three to four years

  • supply safe water to five community members for one year

  • provide thirty four individuals with a life-time of iodized salt, protecting against disorders such as brain damage

  • protect sixteen children from worm infections, preventing debilitating conditions including bladder cancer, kidney malfunction, spleen damage and anemia

Your purchase of just one notebook for A$10 can return A$150 in economic growth - 15 times your investment (United Nations).

The Life You Can Save was founded by Melbourne-born Peter Singer, widely recognized as one of the world’s most influential contemporary philosophers, to advance the ideas in his 2009 book The Life You Can Save: Acting Now to End World Poverty. In it, Peter argues that if we can provide immense benefit to someone at minimal cost to ourselves, we should do so. You can download the tenth anniversary edition of The Life You Can Save as an e-book or audio book for free here.